RiverFest is accepting applications for artisan and crafts exhibition and sales booths.
In addition, a business or non-profit organization may participate and are asked to provide an activity for attendees to participate in. Please list the activity on your application form.
RiverFest will provide social media marketing, advertising and promotion in local and regional media.
Set-up is Saturday from 7 to 10:45 a.m. Cars will be allowed onto the field to offload only. Break-down of booths will take place at the end of the festival, Sunday after 6 p.m.
The fee for vendor spaces is $100 for a 10’ by 10’ space on the grass field. Multiple contiguous spaces may be purchased. Exhibitors to supply canopy/tent, tables and chairs. A Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of New Milford as an additional insured is required.
Please note: There is no electricity available. Sunset is at 6:30 p.m. and on Saturday Riverfest continues into the evening, closing at 8 p.m. We suggest you bring battery powered lighting for your booth for those several hours.
There will be overnight security on Saturday night into Sunday morning.
Please reply promptly to ensure inclusion in our publicity and marketing materials. Application deadline is September 10, 2024.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at NMRiverfest@gmail.com. Look forward to seeing you along the river in October.